A Brief summary for english tails and stories

A original works present : 

Should Wizard Hit Mommy?

It was a Saturday evening. Every evening Jack told his daughter Jo a story out of his head. This custom began when she was two. Now he had been telling her bedtime stories for almost two years. His story had a central character named Roger-a small creature. It could be Roger Fish, Roger Squirrel or Roger Chipmunk. Today it was Roger Skunk.

This Roger Skunk smelled so bad that none of the other woodland creatures would play with him. They called him Stinky Skunk and then they would run away. Roger Skunk would stand there all alone. Tears would fall from his eyes. Jo asked if he would not see the owl. Jack said that Roger Skunk walked along very sadly to a very big tree. There was a huge, wise, old owl on the top most pointed end of the tree.

Roger Skunk told the owl that all the other animals ran away from him because he smelled very bad. The owl admitted that he did so. Roger Skunk cried very hard. He wanted to know what he could do. The owl suggested going to the wizard.

The owl advised Roger Skunk to go through the dark woods, under the apple trees, into the swamp and there would be the ‘wizard’s house over a crick (little river). On reaching the little white house, Roger Skunk rapped on the door. A tiny little old man came out, with a long white beard and a pointed blue hat. He observed that the creature smelled awful.

Roger Skunk said the huge, wise, owl had told him that he could help him. The wizard found his magic wand and asked Roger Skunk what he wanted to smell like. Roger thought and said, “Roses.” He chanted a magic spell. All of a sudden, the whole inside of the wizard’s house was full of the smell of roses. The wizard asked seven pennies for the work. Roger Skunk had only four pennies and he began to cry.

The wizard directed him to go to the end of the lane and turn around three times and look down the magic well. Roger Skunk did so and found three pennies in the magic well. He took them to the wizard. He was now very happy. He ran out into the woods. The other creatures gathered round him because he smelled very good. They played various games the children play. They played and laughed all afternoon. Then it began to get dark. They all ran to their mummies.


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